
So my one word for 2018 is FOCUS.  I wanted to pick this word for two reasons.  The first is a very private story that I do not often share with other people.  I have a learning disability in the written expression and have been diagnosed with ADHD.  So FOCUSing on one simple task has been hard.  Quite often, I get easily distracted while others are talking to me by little things.  Very often, I interrupt a conversation to tell someone something.  Please know that I do not do this to be rude or disrespectful.  I do this because if I do not then right then I will forget to mention.  Like a new haircut, a new outfit, asking about health of loved one.  I want to try FOCUS on listening to people.  I want to FOCUS on a singular task at hand.  I want to FOCUS on being in the moment and not letting my mind wonder.  

The other reason I picked FOCUS.  I want to focus more the my faith, family, friends, and future goals.  I am an busy person being a principal.  But I do not want my role in life to be defined as only a principal.  I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, and so much more.  I want to try to capture some of that back.  It is easy to sometimes lose yourself in the role of being the best principal that I can be.  I need to remember that I am so much more than just that. 

Thank you for reading!  This is officially my first blog post EVER.  I am proud of myself getting out of my comfort zone and pushing myself.  The old me would have NEVER taken a risk and put myself out there doing blogs.  That was a fear because of my disability.  So just remember when you  read this.  Look for the big picture.  Not the grammatical and spelling errors.  :) 

Susan Melbye
Prek-5 Principal


  1. Congrats on getting the blog started. I appreciate your honesty in the reasons for your word choice. Look forward to reading more posts! Mine are at laurakspencer.com

  2. Great first post! Looking forward to future posts. ‪I’ve wanted to blog for a while and I keep pushing it aside. Maybe you’ve given me that push to do so :)

    1. Truly just try it. It was honestly very wonderful to put out exactly what my heart was saying. You got this! Please let me know when you do. I cannot wait to read it!

  3. I am so proud of you! I love how you lead our staff by example each and every day. Looking forward to reading more of your blogs!


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